
Whether playing solo or collaborating with other musicians, I am passionate about my music. My original songs are an eclectic blend of folk, latin, jazz and blues styles. They tell stories about people and places that have taught me something as I travel through my life o this planet. More videos, lyrics, and song recordings to come soon. Please check back often and consider subscribing to my youtube channel

Noche Tropical
This is a song I wrote for our two sons who are great dancers.
It is about two lovers filled with passion in a crowded plaza.

Come Home Tonight
This is a fun bluesy tune about a gal that keeps picking the wrong kind of guys.

I Don’t Need You
It seems a lot of blues tunes are written from the man’s point of view.
I wrote this tune to give a nod to the female perspective.

Che Posso Fare
This is a tune I wrote about two lovers separated by continents and the ocean.

Demonstration Blues
Sometimes you need to take a moment in the struggle for change to recharge.

Tears are Streamin’
I wrote this tune to explore the conflict between being true to your passion and true to your heart.
Sometimes they are not one and the same.

Standin’ In The Station
I love train stations and traveling by train. Especially the old European trains with compartments.
You never know who you will meet and the conversations you will share. Train stations are filled with joy
as loved ones step off the train, or a bit of sadness as the moment of parting arrives. This song was written about experiences I had in Italy.

Brothers Berger
In July 2011, our two sons ventured out into world to seek their future. They both left home within a few days of each other.
Alex headed to Denmark for graduate school and David Nathaniel joined the Peace Corps for service in Zambia Africa.
We were excited to see what adventures they would encounter. We knew they were compassionate, smart, creative,
human beings that would change their world wherever their journey led them.

Hold Fast
In July 2011, our son David Nathaniel Berger became a Peace Corps volunteer in Zambia Africa. His area of focus was health and community development. After 3 months of in-country training, he was posted to the remote village of Chisunka in Luapula Province. He lived in a mud brick hut without water, electricity, indoor plumbing, or refrigeration. He was assigned to a small local health clinic that served 9200 people of all ages. The obstacles he faced daily were difficult. The strength of the Peace Corps program is its focus on sustainable grassroots development where the community, not the volunteer, determines what is needed. We were inspired by the work that David and other volunteers accomplished. I wanted to write a song that would encourage and support these fine men and women in their service. The message also applies to everyone who is on a path of self-discovery and service to humanity.

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